Thursday, January 29, 2009


I've been thinking over the years about fairness and now the newly added emphasis on it. First off, I haven't personally talked to anyone that genuinely felt like the simplistic approach of taking from the rich to give to the poor was the right thing to do, (of course most of us at one time or another find an appeal in that passing thought) I apparently know people that know better, but it's stuff I've been thinking about nonetheless.
I have to ask, even though most people have a disdain for the rich, even for those just better off than us, I ask -- how fair is it to the affluent that our government take their money and give it to someone else? It seems that part of our instinct is to think it is fair, at least for the the one receiving, and we seem to think that is what is important. But thank God that He doesn't view us that way. God is concerned with the poor AND the rich.I don't think God is interested in making things "fair", but God IS just. Being just puts everyone on an individual basis with God. Everyone is responsible for themselves and their actions. Being fair always pits one person against another, whether it is by need, or lack or excess. With God being just - it is only between you and Him. It's not you against anyone else, or anyone against you.
How amazing is it that Jesus never took the wealth of the rich to give it to the poor. Instead He asked them to GIVE to the poor and needy. You see it comes down to much more than things, it comes down to matters of the heart. That is where God is most interested, our actions flow from what is in our heart. So those are my thoughts for now, maybe I'll add to them as I continue to think about it.
My note's musical accompaniment: "The Whore's Trophy II" by Symphony In Peril


TeVeT said...

"I don't think God is interested in making things "fair", but God IS just." I agree completely, God isn't on my side, your side, anybodies' side. He is own is the side of Righteousness and it is our responsibility to follow Him

Righteousness will go before Him,
And shall make His footsteps our pathway. Ps 85:13 If I follow after Jesus I will be righteous, I will be "on God's side"

With God being just - it is only between you and Him. It's not you against anyone else, or anyone against you.

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 2 Cor 5:10

This is what I love about Jesus, personal responsibility. It is the foundation for our Faith. I had to admit that I was born into sin and Jesus is the only one way for me to be in the presence of a Holy God!

Very smooth writing. Your entries lead me to dig in the Word and now that you have a musical accompaniment, I am gonna have to dig into my cds and listen to Symphony in Peril.
Musical accompaniment is a great concept!

David-FireAndGrace said...

Good stuff!

It is important to know that what you describe as just, is just part of the amazingly sovereign God.

Fair? There are some that will receive only one talent, and others that may receive many more. The matter of the heart, as you called it, is HOW we invest what we are given. God has designed us for a destiny, not a lot in life.

A destiny fulfilled is far greater in the Kingdom, then a lot lived in wealth.