Sunday, January 23, 2011


If you pay attention you can determine if someone is honestly interested in your personal growth. The difference between people that encourage you to think critically and people that just want you to think like them is that: people that want to teach you HOW to think can accept disagreement and conflict. People that want to teach you WHAT to think can't handle disagreement. When there is no agreement there is no peace with those kind of people. What we should be looking for are people that encourage us to think for ourselves not think like them.
You can disagree with me if you're at least using your head and thinking critically, but if you call me an idiot because I disagree with you for logical reasons....all you really want from me is for me to agree with you. So what kind of argument do you have then? You don't have an argument, you have an opinion....and it happens to be one I disagree with :)